365 Password Generator

This powershell script bulk generates passwords in a similar style as the password generator in Office 365.  The passwords begin with a capital letter, followed by 5 lower case letters, and 2 digits at the end.  You can modify the pattern to suite your needs (Note: It’s using the ASCII table ranges as the set it randomly chooses from).

Function Generate365PW
	Param($max = 1)
	For ($i = 0; $i -lt $max; $i++){
		$pw = Get-Random -Count 1 -InputObject ((65..72)+(74..75)+(77..78)+(80..90)) | % -begin {$UC=$null} -process {$UC += [char]$_} -end {$UC}
		$pw += Get-Random -Count 5 -InputObject (97..122) | % -begin {$LC=$null} -process {$LC += [char]$_} -end {$LC}
		$pw += Get-Random -Count 2 -InputObject (48..57) | % -begin {$NB=$null} -process {$NB += [char]$_} -end {$NB}
		write-output $pw
Generate365PW 10