Tag: Cisco

Convert a WLC LDPE Image to Non-LDPE

Specify Target and Options

If you ever purchase a used Cisco Wireless LAN Controller or receive one on RMA, you may run into an issue when you attempt to upgrade the image and receive the following error: ERROR: Incompatible SW image.ERROR: Please install the Data Payload Encryption licensed image This issue occurs because the Controller has an LDPE image …

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#!/usr/bin/env perl #========================================================================= # BackupRouters-TelnetToLocal.pl # VERSION: 1.0 # AUTHOR: Brian Steinmeyer # EMAIL: [email protected] # WEB: https://sigkillit.com # DATE: 12/29/2012 # COMMENTS: Uses the Telnet::Cisco module to copy a Cisco Router’s running # configuration to the local machine. This module uses telnet so passwords # will be in clear text. Pass the Cisco Router’s …

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