Overview Using regular expressions, you can easily match a credit card number. You may wish to validate legit CC numbers, block financial information in emails, or audit security by finding financial information in documents. There is no perfect algorithm or regex for detecting potential CCN’s, and there will always be false positives, etc. Although regular …
Category: Mail Flow
Apr 04 2014
Block Outbound Email for Specific Users
Overview There are a few situations where you may need to restrict certain users from sending email to external users. For example, you may have part time employees that only need to send email to internal users OR you might have an employee who’s about to get terminated and don’t want them emailing clients. Fortunately, …
Apr 04 2014
Delivery Report in Outlook or Outlook Web App
Overview When using Outlook or Outlook Web App (OWA) in an Office 365 or Exchange environment, you can track the message from the client side. Both Outlook and OWA allow you to view a delivery report in order to confirm a message was delivered when the recipient claims they have not received it or if …