'========================================================================= ' GenerateIPv4Addresses.vbs ' VERSION: 1.0 ' AUTHOR: Brian Steinmeyer ' EMAIL: [email protected] ' WEB: https://sigkillit.com ' DATE: 1/1/2011 ' COMMENTS: Input the Start IPv4 IP Address and the End IPv4 IP Address to ' Generate All IP Addresses In a Log File for the Given Range. ' EXAMPLE: Input the Starting IPv4 Address: ' Input the Ending IPv4 Address: '========================================================================= Option Explicit ' Generate IPv4 Addresses Dim ipStart: ipStart = InputBox("Input the Starting IPv4 Address") Dim ipEnd: ipEnd = InputBox("Input the Ending IPv4 Address") Call Logger("GenerateIPv4Addresses.txt", GenerateIPv4Addresses(ipStart, ipEnd), True) Wscript.Echo "Finished" Private Function GenerateIPv4Addresses(ipStart, ipEnd) On Error Resume Next ' Validate IPv4 Address Dim strResult: strResult = "" If ValidateIPv4(ipStart) = False OR ValidateIPv4(ipEnd) = False Then strResult = "Invalid IP Range: " & ipStart & " - " & ipEnd Else ' Generate IP Range Dim ipOctetStart: ipOctetStart = Split(ipStart,".") Dim ipOctetEnd: ipOctetEnd = Split(ipEnd,".") Dim i, oct1,oct2,oct3,oct4, blnInitial: blnInitial = True For oct1 = ipOctetStart(0) to ipOctetEnd(0) For oct2 = ipOctetStart(1) to ipOctetEnd(1) For oct3 = ipOctetStart(2) to ipOctetEnd(2) If blnInitial = True Then blnInitial = False If StrComp(oct1, ipOctetEnd(0)) = 0 AND StrComp(oct2, ipOctetEnd(1)) = 0 AND StrComp(oct3, ipOctetEnd(2)) = 0 Then ' Initial Loop on Octet4 is the Final Loop For oct4 = ipOctetStart(3) to ipOctetEnd(3) strResult = strResult & oct1 & "." & oct2 & "." & oct3 & "." & oct4 & vbCrLf Next Else ' Initial Loop on Octet4 is Not the Final Loop For oct4 = ipOctetStart(3) to 255 strResult = strResult & oct1 & "." & oct2 & "." & oct3 & "." & oct4 & vbCrLf Next End If Else If StrComp(oct1, ipOctetEnd(0)) = 0 AND StrComp(oct2, ipOctetEnd(1)) = 0 AND StrComp(oct3, ipOctetEnd(2)) = 0 Then ' Non-Initial Loop is the Final Loop For oct4 = 0 to ipOctetEnd(3) strResult = strResult & oct1 & "." & oct2 & "." & oct3 & "." & oct4 & vbCrLf Next Else ' Non-Initial Loop is Not the Final Loop For oct4 = 0 to 255 strResult = strResult & oct1 & "." & oct2 & "." & oct3 & "." & oct4 & vbCrLf Next End If End If Next Next Next End If ' Return Results GenerateIPv4Addresses = strResult On Error Goto 0 End Function Private Function ValidateIPv4(ip) On Error Resume Next ' Validate IPv4 Address Dim blnValid: blnValid = True Dim arrIP: arrIP = Split(ip,".") If UBound(arrIP) = 3 Then Dim i For i = LBound(arrIP) to UBound(arrIP) If IsNumeric(arrIP(i)) = True Then If arrIP(i) > 255 Then blnValid = False End If Else blnValid = False End If Next Else blnValid = False End If ' Check For Errors If Err.Number <> 0 Then blnValid = False Err.Clear End If ' Return Result If blnValid = True Then ValidateIPv4 = True Else ValidateIPv4 = False End If On Error Goto 0 End Function Private Sub Logger(fileName, logMessage, blnNewLog) On Error Resume Next Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8 Dim objFSO: Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim scriptPath: scriptPath = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName,InstrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName,"\")) Dim logName If InStr(1,fileName,"\",1) > 0 Then logName = fileName If objFSO.DriveExists(objFSO.GetDriveName(logName)) Then If StrComp(objFSO.GetExtensionName(logName), "", 1) = 0 Then If Not objFSO.FolderExists(logName) Then If objFSO.FolderExists(objFSO.GetParentFolderName(logName)) Then objFSO.CreateFolder logName 'Create Folder In Current Path Exit Sub Else Call Logger(objFSO.GetParentFolderName(logName), logMessage, blnNewLog) 'Recurse Creating Parent Folder Call Logger(logName, logMessage, blnNewLog) 'Recurse Creating Current Folder Exit Sub End If End If Else If Not objFSO.FileExists(logName) Then If Not objFSO.FolderExists(objFSO.GetParentFolderName(logName)) Then Call Logger(objFSO.GetParentFolderName(logName), logMessage, blnNewLog) 'Recurse Creating Parent Folder Call Logger(logName, logMessage, blnNewLog) 'Recurse Creating Current Folder End If End If End If End If Else logName = scriptPath & fileName End If Dim logFile If blnNewLog = True Then Set logFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(logName, True) Else If objFSO.FileExists(logName) Then Set logFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(logName, ForAppending, True) Else Set logFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(logName, True) End If End If logFile.WriteLine logMessage logFile.Close Set objFSO = Nothing On Error Goto 0 End Sub