If you’ve ever tried connecting to a Windows 7 SMB share from a Windows XP or 2003 computer, you may notice you cannot connect to the server. Being the savvy person you are, you:
- Check the share and NTFS permissions on the Windows 7 Share
- Run gpresult on your XP/2003 machine and confirm you are a member of the correct groups
- Try connecting through start->Search and enter \\windows7 and get an error
- What! You cannot even see the server and it’s shares???
- You check the Windows 7 firewall and ensure file/print sharing is allowed
- It’s even enabled on the connected network (domain/home/public)
- Your IP subnet is even allowed
- You break out the command line and run net use z: \\windows7\share but get a System Error 58
The problem is Windows 7 uses NTLMv2 and XP/2003 use LM & NTLM. To resolve this issue, do the following on the Windows 7 computer:
- Run GPedit.msc
- Expand Computer Configuration->Windows Settings->Security Settings->Local Policies->Security Options
- Open the properties for Network security: LAN Manager authentication level
- Set the value to: Send LM & NTLM – use NTLMv2 session if negotiated
- Run Services.msc
- Restart the Server service
You can now map your drive from your XP/2003 box to your Windows 7 computer!
Thanks for this great tip, have not seen it anywhere else. However, it worked for a few days for me, then my 2003 Server couldn’t see my Win7/64 box to do a backup again! I restarted the Win7 box then the server could see it again. Not sure why, but I hope it sticks this time.